KASC Youtube Channel

KASC Youtube Channel

You are now able to watch videos of KASC events on our very own Youtube channel. This will be updated on a regular basis, so keep a look out for new entries. The link below will take you directly to the channel....
KASC Christmas Party 2024

KASC Christmas Party 2024

  Christmas cheer was in abundance at the KASC Christmas Party on Thursday 12th December. Volunteers and clients gathered together to eat, drink and be merry whilst being entertained by the wonderful Cloud9 Vocal Harmony Quartet. A big thankyou to KINGSBRIDGE...
We urgently need new volunteers

We urgently need new volunteers

KASC, like many other charities, are struggling to recruit new volunteers.  If you feel that you could offer a couple of hours over a week, fortnight or a month, please contact the office to discuss.  There is no defined commitment or hours, we are happy to accept any...
Calancombe Vanilla Passions event

Calancombe Vanilla Passions event

It was great to see so many new faces at our KASC event at Calancombe winery on the 20th August 2024. Janet Sawyer was an excellent speaker with a real message and such energy. After a fantastic lunch and a good energetic vibe, everybody left with a full tummy, smiley...
Kingsbridge Fair Week

Kingsbridge Fair Week

KASC were present at the Saturday Charity morning of the Kingsbridge Fair. It was great to catch up with many of our volunteers who stopped for a chat